Photographs from Village Day taken by Matthew Phillips
Annually since 1947 The Bookham Community Association has had a Village Week.
The week starts with a Village Fair and a wonderful parade from all the local schools and pre schools. Starting point for the parade is at the top of Bookham High Street.
The Village Day theme " All At Sea "
Cup Winners and photographs from the Day posted below
A big thank you to Matthew Phillips as the BCA main photographer
Cup Winners 2019
Winner Pre School Rainbow Playgroup
Runner Up Pre School Bookham Toddler Group
Winner Infant School Polesden Lacey Infant School
Runner Up School Age Fancy Dress Dawnay School
Winner Best Display Fetcham & District Garden Society
Winner Best Dressed Stall Great Bookham Belles WI
Runner Up Bookham Bees WI

Bookhams' save our sea day
The children of Bookhams showed how much they care about conserving all the creatures and plant life in our seas when they paraded down the High Street on Saturday. Their amazing costumes at Bookham Village Day interpreted the " All at Sea" theme in a variety of ways as they made their way down the High Street in the lively parade.
As well as fish of every size and kind, including lots of jelly fish,their creations demonstrated the damage being done by man's pollution such as plastic bags and bottles. Polesden Lacey Infant School took first prize in the schools' group with their deep blue sea presentation which included deep sea divers. Dawnay School were runners-up, carrying blue and green balloons and their saving sharks message.
In the pre school section Rainbow Playgroup were the winners, the children recreating many fish and singing many songs about them as they walked. In second place Bookham Toddler Group carried an enormous purple octopus. Parade judge Rev.Mandy MacVean Rector of All Saints Little Bookham, praised the wonderful costumes and great ideas all of the children had come up with. The parade was led by Jason Wright's vintage Austin 7, with music all the way from Panda Chocolat & Steelonium steel bands on Leatherhead Motor Co's lorry and also from Leatherhead Lion's float.
Many of the 54 stalls on the field were also beautifully decorated, with Great Bookham Belles WI judged the best dressed stall, despite being covered in plastic rubbish, showing the good and bad things affecting our oceans. Bookham Bees WI were runners- up, their stall featuring a massive and damage being done to the sea. Winners in the Old Barn Hall were Bookham, Fetcham and District Garden Society.
After a very wet week the Bookhams' big day, sponsored by the Vineries Garden Centre, stayed fine apart from a few short showers mid- afternoon. The crowds were asa big as ever and stalls and sideshows were busy all afternoon, as as were the attractions in the hall where refreshments were served. On the field the open-air bar did a roaring trade with a bigger than ever selection of specialist ales.
Attractions included Elios & DiCarlo's surfing Wave-rider which was very popular with the children, and the very popular climbing wall supported by John Wadsworth Estate Agents and Churches Together in Bookham. No-stop arena events featured the lively Band from the Pub, singer Natalie Goodacre, Action Theatre and the Dancing Roses Bellydancers in addition to displays by local schools.
Bookham Village Day and Community events during Village Week raise funds for Bookham Community Association to keep the Old Barn Hall running and produce the quarterly Bookham
Bulletins. BCA chairman Keith Slark said: " This was another great day for Bookham, bringing together so many people of all ages from the village. It is thanks to the many local organisations, businesses and individuals who support us and make the event such a success"
Photographs from Village Day taken by Matthew Phillips

Village Week 2017